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How to transcode audio using FFmpeg

· One min read

Setting up

First make sure you have FFmpeg installed. Follow this guide if you haven't already:

Running the CLI

To transcode audio using FFmpeg, you can set the audio encoder using the -c:a flag. For example, to transcode all audio streams into aac, use the following:

ffmpeg -i "C:\Transcode\input.mkv" -map 0 -c copy -c:a aac "C:\Transcode\output.mkv"

To transcode just the first audio stream, use the following:

ffmpeg -i "C:\Transcode\input.mkv" -map 0 -c copy -c:a:0 aac "C:\Transcode\output.mkv"

You can automate this process on your files using the following Tdarr Plugins:

To transcode specific audio stream codecs:



Get started using Tdarr transcode automation for free with this link: