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Library Options Button

This button is found on the 'Libraries' tab after adding a new library.

Scan (Find new)

Scan this library's source folder and check for new files which Tdarr hasn't scanned already whilst also removing files from Tdarr which have been removed from the library source folder

Scan (Fresh)

Clears this library's database and rescans all files

Requeue all items (transcode)

Places all library items in the 'Transcode queue' on the 'Tdarr' tab

Requeue all items (health check)

Places all library items in the 'Health check queue' on the 'Tdarr' tab

Reset stats: This library

Resets stats of this library on the 'Stats' tab

Reset stats: All

Resets stats of all libraries on the 'Stats' tab

Duplicate library

Creates a new library with the same settings as this library

Clear library

Clears this library's database. You will need to rescan all files. Your files on disk won't be affected.

Delete library

Removes this library from Tdarr. Your files on disk won't be affected.