JB - QSV(vaapi), H265, AAC, MKV, Bitrate Optimized (v2.4)
You should not use this until you read the comments at the top of the code and understand how it works this does a lot and is 1 of 2 routines you should to run Part 1
Name: Stats_Days
Type: number
If the stats date on the file are older than this it will first update them,\n
usually for mkv only.
Name: Target_Video_Codec
Type: string
This is the basis of the routine, if you want to change,\n
it you probably want to use a different script
Name: Use_10bit_Video
Type: boolean
This will encode in 10 bit? Some processors can not.
Name: Target_Framerate
Type: number
Any frame rate greater than this will be adjusted.
Name: Min_Size_Difference_to_Transcode
Type: number
If the existing bitrate is this much more than the target bitrate\n
it is ok to transcode, otherwise there might not be enough extra\n
to get decent quality.
Name: Target_Reduction_for_Code_Switch
Type: number
When a video codec change happens and the source bitrate is lower\n
than optimal, we still lower the bitrate by this since hevc is ok\n
with a lower rate.
Name: Max_Video_Height
Type: number
Any thing over this size, I.E. 8K, will be reduced to this.
Name: Target_Codec_Compression
Type: number
This effects the target bitrate by assuming a compression ratio.
Name: Target_Audio_Codec
Type: string
Desired Audio Codec, if you change this it might require code changes.
Name: Target_Audio_Language
Type: string
Desired Audio Language.
Name: Target_Audio_Bitrate_Per_Channel
Type: number
64K per channel gives you the good lossy quality out of AAC.
Name: Target_Audio_Channels
Type: number
Any thing above this number of channels will be reduced to it.