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Keep Preferred Audio (v1.2)

Plugin that checks for unwanted audio, per 1.104 beta you can change the languages yourself from within Tdarr! Untill you enter a value it keep english tracks by default. Undefined languages are kept to prevent videos without sound. If you would like to keep track of the languages you have for each file you can use the 'special' option. Created by @control#0405

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Name: languages 

Type: string


Desired Languages you would like to keep, language format has to be according to the iso-639-2 standard:\nExample:\eng,dut
Name: special 

Type: string


This is if you want a specific language to be logged to a file in your Tdarr documents folder.\nIt will add the name of the file that is being processed if this language(s) has been found.\nThe file is created the first time it finds a file with the language.\nThe languages don't have to be in "languages".\nExample:\eng,dut
Name: container 

Type: string


Enter the output container of the new file.\n Default: .mkv\nExample:\n.mkv