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Refresh Plex Via URL (v1.0)

Refreshes folder containing the current file in Plex so changes are picked up properly without the use of external applications or other dockers

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Name: Url_Protocol 

Type: string


Specified the type of request to make, http:// or https://
Name: Plex_Url 

Type: string


Enter the IP address/URL for Plex.
Name: Plex_Port 

Type: number


The port required to access Plex on the network (may not be required if used with reverse proxy)
Name: Plex_Token 

Type: string


Auth token that is used to authenticate this commend on the Plex server. \n
Instructions for retrieving the token can be found here. \n\n
Name: Library_Key 

Type: string


Library key for the library in Plex where this content is displayed. \n
This number lets Plex know which library contains the current path needing a refresh. \n
See the below page under the 'Listing Defined Libraries' heading to find the key. \n \n

*Note* If this number is wrong everything will behave as though it's
working great but the folder will simply not be scanned. \n\n

Name: Plex_Path 

Type: string


If the Plex path is not the same as the local path you may need to sub parts of the path. \n
Here is where you would enter the path that Plex uses to find the file. \n
You would only enter the part of the path that is different. \n\n
If your TDarr path is: \n
/media/local/tv/The Best Show Evaaaarr/Season 2/The Best Show Evaaaarr - S02E31 - Heck Yea HDTV-720p.mp4\n\n

And the Plex path to the file is: \n
/data/tv/The Best Show Evaaaarr/Season 2/The Best Show Evaaaarr - S02E31 - Heck Yea HDTV-720p.mp4 \n
then part you would enter here is:
Name: Tdarr_Path 

Type: string


If the Plex path is not the same as the local path you may need to sub parts of the path. \n
Here is where you would enter the path that Plex uses to find the file. \n
You would only enter the part of the path that is different. \n
If your TDarr path is: \n
/media/local/tv/The Best Show Evaaaarr/Season 2/The Best Show Evaaaarr - S02E31 - Heck Yea HDTV-720p.mp4 \n\n

And the Plex path to the file is:\n
/data/tv/The Best Show Evaaaarr/Season 2/The Best Show Evaaaarr - S02E31 - Heck Yea HDTV-720p.mp4\n
then part you would enter here is: