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DrDD H265 MKV AC3 Audio Subtitles [VAAPI & NVENC] (v1.0)

[Non-Windows] In a single pass ensures all files are in MKV containers and where possible encoded in h265 (settings dependant on file bitrate), converts all multi channel audio to AC3, removes audio commentary and removes subtitles that are not in the configured language or marked as commentary. This plugin is opinionated based on how I like my library to be configured and based on the work done by Migz with his plugins (Thanks!).

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Name: nvenc 

Type: string


If the NVidia NVENC encoder should be used. Requires an NVidia GPU with NVENC capabilties.\nValid values: true / false\nDefault: false
Name: qsv 

Type: string


If Intel Quick Sync should be used. Requires an Intel CPU with Quick Sync capabilties.\nValid values: true / false\nDefault: false
Name: minimum_target_bitrate 

Type: string


The minimum RESULTING bitrate allowed for a file. Any target bitrate lower than this will cause transcoding to be skipped.\nExample value: 3000
Name: wanted_subtitle_languages 

Type: string


The comma separated subtitle languages (in 3 letter format) you'd like to keep. If left blank, all subtitles will be kept.\nExample value: eng,fre